IE 307 : Intermediate Accounting(1)


Department of Islamic Economics

Academic Program

Bachelor in Islamic economics







In general, this course aims to deepen the student's understanding of financial accounting, so that he is exposed to deeper, broader, and more detailed topics of the items of the financial statements.

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding:The student should know in general the concept of financial accounting. The student remembers detailing the items of the financial statements.The student explains the income and retained earnings lists, and the student explains the change in the financial position statement on the cash basis.The student's knowledge of long and short-term investments, the student's knowledge of the rest of financial accounting topics.Practical and professional skills:Enhancing the student's ability to use what he studied in professional applications. Ability to prepare budgets.The ability to understand and research intermediate accounting books and extract useful information from them.That the student compare between the general change and the relative change in prices.The ability to understand and research intermediate accounting books and extract useful information from them.Enhancing the student's ability to use what he studied in professional applications.

Teaching and learning methods

LecturesSolving exercises and discussion

Methods of assessments

midterm exam 40%final exam 60%